Successful Tips For Managing Your Day To Day Arthritis

Many arthritis sufferers have a hard time with daily life, and the chronic pain can even making opening a jar a struggle. If this hits close to home for you, read on. This article has a lot of suggestions on how you can handle your arthritis and start living better.

Stay away from cigarette smoke, and quit if you do smoke. The nicotine in cigarettes can reduce blood flow to your extremities, which may reduce inflammation in the short term. In the long-term though, smoking will corrupt your joints and sharpen the pain that you feel from arthritis.

Be sure to get sufficient sleep whenever arthritis flares occur. Without enough of it, your body is compromised and you will feel the punishing side effects. Try to get a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night; if you have had an especially difficult day, try to get ten hours. Getting good quality sleep will benefit your health in many ways.

If you are dealing with arthritis, do some activities in the water. The water bears the majority of body’s weight, decreasing pressure on your joints.

Consume a good variety of fresh vegetables every day, and eat less meat. Research shows that arthritis patients suffer less with pain, inflammation, and swelling when they go vegetarian. If you really want to eat meat, at least increase your vegetable intake to where it comprises 50 percent of your daily diet so your still enjoy most of the benefits that vegetables provide.

A little known fact is that having strong abdominal muscles can assist you in improving the pain your joints feel. Research has proven that strong abdominal muscles improve posture, which in turn prevents joint damage. Be sure to listen to your body and avoid overextending yourself.

Get a group of people around to support you during your struggle with arthritis. You will find the support of a variety of people, including professionals and peers, to be beneficial. It is also a good idea to connect with a support group in your area to interact with others who also are going through the same things you are, and who are coping with arthritis.

If you’re a chronic arthritis sufferer who experiences problems like those described in the beginning of this article, you know how debilitating your disorder is. We hope you’ve learned something from this article that you can apply to become a happier, healthier person who has an easier time living.

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