Why We Should Rethink Our Obsession with “Success”
In a world that constantly pushes us to achieve more, climb higher, and outperform yesterday, it’s easy to get caught in the trap of success. From a young age, we’re taught that success is the ultimate goal, the defining marker of a meaningful life. Whether it’s career achievements, financial stability, or social recognition, we are told that these are the things that matter most. But in our obsession with success, we often forget one key aspect of life: the journey itself. What if success, as we’ve been taught to understand it, isn’t actually the point? What if, instead, it’s the experiences, the growth, and the lessons along the way that…
The Art of Embracing Uncertainty
In a world that thrives on answers, certainty, and predictability, uncertainty is often viewed as something to be feared, avoided, or fixed. We are taught from an early age to seek clarity, make plans, and avoid the unknown. From career choices to relationships, we’re encouraged to have a clear path and stick to it. But the truth is, uncertainty is not the enemy—it is the very thing that makes life rich, dynamic, and full of possibility. Uncertainty, by nature, is uncomfortable. It shakes our sense of control and makes us feel vulnerable. It pulls us out of our comfort zones and forces us to confront the unknown. But in doing…