How To Rid Your House Of Bedbugs
Has your home become infested with pests? Are you being plagued by pests that are taking over your home? Unwanted pests can bring many problems to your home. Depending on what kind you have, they can also cause sanitary and health problems. Keep reading to discover the best ways to handle pest issues.
Use steel wool to prevent rodents from entering your home through holes in the wall. While rats and mice can chew through them, the thin metal strands are too tough to chew. Any opening bigger than half an inch should be plugged. These pests are able to get through the tiniest of openings.
Try using hairspray to get rid of bees, hornets, or wasps. Hairspray has a lot of chemicals that can kill the insects, and the residual smell will keep new bugs from invading the same spot.
Check your place for standing water that’s hidden. Pests are drawn to pools of standing water. Check for pipes that are leaking and trays you use for plants. Most pests require standing water to survive; therefore, it is important to remove any standing water.
Consider using a perimeter spray outside your home to keep bugs at bay. In addition to the foundation, you should spray porches, patios, steps and around windows and doors. Look for cracks and small holes through which pests could enter your home. Use caulk or the right kind of filler to seal these areas.
Have an ant infestation? Eliminate them with borax and sugar. Sugar acts as an attractant, then the borax will cause them to die when they get to it. A quart jar containing a cup of sugar and a cup of borax will work. Punch some holes in the top to make a sprinkler and distribute the mixture around the foundation outside and the baseboards inside.
There is a lot of money in pest control. Catching your pest problem early can really save you time and aggravation. Consult this article whenever pests invade your home. As long as you begin working on your pest problem early, expensive exterminators will not be needed. Stay on top of pest control practices, and you surely will be glad you did.